
2012 Transit of Venus

2012 Transit of Venus

Sun-Earth Day: Shadows of The Sun

On June 5, 2012 starting at at 12:10 PM (local Hawaiian time) the planet Venus will make its final trek across the face of the sun as seen from Earth until the year 2117. The last time this event occurred was on June 8, 2004.



Safe Solar Viewing

The transit of Venus is a rare and striking phenomenon you won’t want to miss— but you must carefully follow safety procedures. Don’t let the requisite warnings scare you away from witnessing this singular spectacle! You can experience the transit of Venus safely, but it is vital that you protect your eyes at all times with the proper solar filters. No matter what recommended technique you use, do not stare continuously at the Sun. Take breaks and give your eyes a rest! Do not use sunglasses: they don’t offer your eyes sufficient protection.

NASA EDGE Live Webcast Rundown- based on Hawaiian time
Please be advised: NASA EDGE does not script their webcast, they are spontaneous and will respond based on the questions and the interest of their audience, they will use the persons available live to respond to questions rather than try to keep to the tentative schedule below.

June 5, 2012
11:45:00 Coverage Begins
11:48:40 Break: Planned Hold on Telescope Footage
11:49:40 Live: Talk about culture, history and significance of
Transit of Venus
11:54:40 Break: Telescope Footage
11:55:40 Live: Explain Transit of Venus & SDO’s role with imagery
12:01:40 Live: The science- The Sun and Venus
12:04:00 Ingress (duration between 1st & 2nd Contact 18:00)
12:30-1:00 Live: Alan Tokunaga – IRTF
2nd hour Live: Mayor of the Big Island
Video: Jim Green – Venus & Transit
Live: Kelly Fast, Cherilynn Morrow – Venus
Video: Transit of Venus Part 1
Live: Andy Lunt – Solar Telescopes
Video: Transit of Venus Part 2
Live: Troy Cline – MMS, Social Media
Video: Dean Pesnell – SDO
Live: Holly Gilbert – SDO
3rd hour Video: Eric Christian – Kepler
Live: Jim Thieman-Radio Astronomy
Video: Richard Vondrak – Solar Wind
Live: Lou Mayo
Video: Jim Garvin – Venus
4th hour Live: Kelly Fast, Cherilynn Morrow – Venus
Video: Gordon Chin – Venus
Live: Students: Cara Mayo, Camila Fishtuaher
Student Activity
Video: Steve Dick – History of Transit of Venus
5th hour Live: Discussion Koa Rice – Hawaii
Video Polynesian Wayfinders
Live: Hawaii & Transit
Video: Hawaii and the Cosmos
Live: NASA EDGE-questions and update
6th hour Video: Jim Green
Live: NASA EDGE-questions and update
Video: Transit of Venus Pt 1
Live: NASA EDGE/Sun Earth Day Team-questions and update Video: Transit of Venus Pt 2
Live: Alex Young, Holly Gilbert
Video: Dean Pesnell
Live: Science discussion with NASA EDGE/Sun-Earth Day and Holly Gilbert, Kelly Fast, Alex Young, Cherilynn Morrow
06:26:00 Egress (duration between 3rd & 4th Contact 18:00)
06:45:00 Live: Chris, Blair, Franklin & Guests
Still field audience questions from audience.
06:55:00 Fade to black: Prerecorded Audio of closing chant
06:56:00 Off Air